A 13-ára virradó éjszaka 1961


Todor Primov is an officer of the royal army who changes sides and goes over to the partisans. After the war, he graduates in engineering and is appointed manager of several construction projects. His car crashes on the eve of Mar...

Tutti i titoli
  • BG: Noshtta sreshtu 13-i Noshtta sreshtu 13-i
  • BG: Нощта срещу тринадесети Нощта срещу тринадесети
  • BG: Die Abwehr greift ein Die Abwehr greift ein
  • EU: On the Eve of the 13th On the Eve of the 13th
  • PL: Trzynastego nocą Trzynastego nocą
  • RU: В ночь на тринадцатое В ночь на тринадцатое
Data di rilascio 05 Jun 1961
Link IMDb
