The Royal African Rifles 1953


A shipment of Vickers machine guns is stolen from a British warship in Bombasa Harbor, Africa, in 1914, and Denham is assigned to track them down. He poses as a hunter and follows a trail ...

Tutti i titoli
  • US: The Royal African Rifles The Royal African Rifles
  • AR: Tormenta sobre Africa Tormenta sobre Africa
  • BE: Complot dans la jungle Complot dans la jungle
  • BE: Samenzwering in de wildernis Samenzwering in de wildernis
  • BR: Tormenta Sobre a África Tormenta Sobre a África
  • FI: Ristitulta Afrikassa Ristitulta Afrikassa
  • FR: Complot dans la jungle Complot dans la jungle
  • GR: Afrikaniki taxiarhia Afrikaniki taxiarhia
  • GR: O prodotis tis zouglas O prodotis tis zouglas
  • IT: I contrabbandieri del Kenia I contrabbandieri del Kenia
  • ES: Los fusileros reales de África Los fusileros reales de África
  • UA: Storm Over Africa Storm Over Africa
  • US: Geheimkommando Afrika Geheimkommando Afrika
Data di rilascio 27 Sep 1953
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